Friday, April 25, 2008

Sights and Scenery

As some of you know, Ezra was back for a little over a month before he was redeployed. Unbelievable I know but that is the military for you. I am just now getting these pictures up from his last deployment and he has left for another one. These are just a few pictures of some of the things he got to see at some of their ports no their last 6 month deployment. They stopped at place as Singapore, Malaysia, Tonga, Samoa, Tuvalu, Guadila Canal, Philippines, Guam, and I know there were some other places. He took monkey tours, and got to see all kinds of buddihst temples, and even the Tongan LDS Temple. They were also able to do some community service work for many of the islands. He really made the most of his time when they ported to go out and see things he will probably never get to see again.

Ezras Homecomoing Ceremony Pictures!


The Bacigalupi's said...

Ez is looking good! We miss you Ezra!!!

o said...

ez is looking good indeed! we are so excited to come visit this summer :)