Emry- We have no idea were the last 8 months have gone. Everything has been such an adventure and you are changing so much so quickly. You will be 8 months tomorrow, and you are growing so fast. Mommy and Daddy love you so much and we are so lucky you are in our lives. You make us smile and laugh everyday with all the cute little things that you do. Life is so complete with you in our lives and we are so thankful for you everyday! We love every tear, dirty diaper, giggle, smile, squeak, pinch, leg kick, snuggle, and face you make. Some of the things you are doing now: You are starting to finally crawl, well it's more like a scoot on your face, but it is an attempt to get somewhere with out any help! You love to wave quite a bit, even at people when they're not looking. Your favorite foods so far are carrots, green beans, peas, pears, bananas, and blueberries. You've also started to eat Gerber Puffs, which you absolutely love because you can feed then to yourself. You are very curious about the world around you and such a lookie Lou still. You love to watch everyone who walks by you with such intent like you are determined to figure out what they are doing, where they are going and how they can walk on those two things (legs)! You love love bath time still, and would probably stay in there all day if you could. You still only have two teeth which I you've had since 5 months old. You love to read books especially the ones that you can feel whats on the page. You are figuring out how to pick things up with your pointer finger and thumb and it is very cute. You love to talk and make sounds that are very sweet. You have said mama and dada but not intentionally! You love to snuggle when you're tired, and in bed in the morning with mommy, and you always like to be held. You are so sweet, and such a beautiful little girl. You are independent but love to have everyone around you. People always compliment you on your beautiful blue eyes, and that they think you are such a good baby. You are very easy going, and calm. You don't fuss much, really only when you are tired, and sometimes when you're hungry. You really are such a good baby. You have your stinker moments, but they are far and few in between! You are a perfect mix of me and your daddy, in personality, but you definitely look like your daddy. We hear it all the time! We are so excited to see what the rest of the year brings us, and all the things you will be doing by 12 months. You are an amazing, beautiful, sweet, loving, precious little angel. WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!! Happy 8 month B-Day!
Mormon Microfeminisms
3 days ago
she's so stinkin cute!!! they grow up way too fast :) love and miss you
cute cute cute.
Holly your daughter is SO BIG already! We miss you guys so much! Hope you're having fun up in Cali! I'll add you to my blog (it's private) so we can keep in touch!
Hey Holly! She is so adorable! Hope you guys are enjoying California. Are you living on base?
At least the next time we get together our daughters will be old enough to play together!
Love, love all the pictures! Thanks for the sweet post! Love you!
Holy cow, she is getting so big.
We miss you guys. Hope you are doing well.
Hi Holly! Oh my how she's grown! Time sure flies when you're having fun! It's awesome to be able to keep in touch this way. Lots of ALOHA to you and your ohana!
It's Jim Kelly! Call me! 559-270-3339
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