It's OCTOBER!! Finally we are experiencing a change in temperature and season, hot chocolate, apple pies, holidays, it is very exciting! So we couldn't wait, the first weekend of this month we had to go pumpkin hunting. This is Emrys first Halloween and so we took her to her first pumpkin patch. We went to Bates Nut Farm. It was so much fun, they had a little farm with different animals and she loved looking at them all. She also loved all the pumpkins, and wanted to sit on them, hug them and eat the stems. It was so much fun to watch her. The size of these pumpkins were crazy though. Ezra ended up picking a pumpkin that was 123 pounds, (it is pretty awesome). We also got a couple of regular size pumpkins and Emry got a baby pumpkin which is the one she's hugging while she's sleeping. It was a great day and we can't wait for Halloween night! We haven't totally decided on her costume yet, she is going to either be a monkey (since she is our little monkey), or she is going to be Tinker Bell. Babies R Us also has a really cute pumpkin patch costume. We shall see, we will post pictures when we decide. LOVE MY FAMILY! We really had a great weekend
Severed Finger Cookies
13 years ago
What a sweet little pumpkin you guys have! Emry is adorable! I didn't know you guys were in San Diego! We'll be back in Bakersfield early November and Andrew will be back from Afghanistan around Thanksgiving. It would be fun to see you guys!
Holly! Love the update!! Emry is getting so old now! She is so cute. We miss you guys. Wish you were still here :)
Super fun and cute!
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